Sunday, November 7, 2010


我希望~ 希望。。。。 还是不要太多希望了,因为只会带来失望。。。 只有自己最了解自己~

Thursday, November 4, 2010


终于回到槟城了~ 已经有三个星期没回家了,不过感觉上好像过了很久似的。。。 今天是deepavali, 所以爸爸,哥哥和姐姐都没做工哦。。。 不过,爸还是要过北海看一下公司的情况,哥哥和嫂嫂去云顶,姐姐和javin下午也是过北海见朋友,所以家里只剩我和我妈咯。。。 其实这次难得回来槟城真的好想好想出去噢~ 不过没有车,也没有人陪。。。 突然让我想起我的最好朋友,每次都会跟她出去的,现在她人在上海。。。 haiz。。。 好想去看戏,吃美食(可是病还没好),什么都没有做到。。。 我的每个朋友都有他们的节目,就像lyh去坐船,嘻嘻,然后有些朋友会过来槟城玩,而我却只。。。 呆在家做assignment,准备midterm =.= 好伤心。。。 而且而且,由于我感冒了,嫂嫂都不让我接近pipi 和 didi他们,突然好像觉得最近孤单很喜欢我。。。。

Monday, September 27, 2010


刚才我就是很生气很生气不顾一切地什么都讲出来,不理后果,就是要把心中的不满与愤怒说出来,咳。。。 不懂是对还是错,不说心里又不舒服,说了又影响感情。。。 可是不说都说了。。。 算了吧。。。 还是第一次不顾一切说出来,可能是忍太久了吧... 咳....

Saturday, August 28, 2010


今天是我们第一百零一次吵架~ 没有啦~开玩笑, 其实我们的吵架是无数的。。。 每一次都一定会不欢而散的。。。 就好像一个咒语似的。。。 我也搞不懂为什么。。。 这次我唯一进步的是,吵架后我还央求他带我去我们之前说好要去的地方,因为每次我们都因为吵架而没去了很多地方,可是我却失败了。。。因为他一旦生气,就会变成另外一个他了。。。 今天, 我们有因为之前发生过的事而吵。。。 他又说我讲话很大声。。。 一位我生气。。 其实我那时心里面根本就没有生气,只是有点小小的pek cek, 我可以发誓,我没有丝毫要发脾气的动机,可是最后,我怎么说他都不明白我的心,我每次又不懂的表达自己,所以导致最后我还是选择了发脾气。。。 关于真个问题已经很久了,可是我们俩都不懂得解决,又或者说可能我们没试着去解决。我们很多问题就是这样。 可能我认为不能改也不需要改,他又很不喜欢,所以两个都互相不让,结局就是一样的,一度地再发生。 每一次出去的时候,我总是告诉他说:“今天我们不要吵架哦~”。。。 可见吵架是我们的必然,好象就不能开开心心地一起出去过。。。 为什们?? 如果,每个情侣都有一个神仙在他们身边,一遇到事情就出来帮忙解释道里那该多好。。。 老实说,当吵架是,我承认我大多数都觉得是对方的错,我知道这种行为很不好。。。 也很难面免我会喜欢拿自己男朋友跟别人比较,因为我们的吵架次数真是太多了。。。 我常常会羡慕朋友与他的男朋友每次都那么甜甜的,虽然他们总告诉我事情不能只看表面。。。 就如他fb所说的:'为什么每次出去都那么累', 难道我们就不能从头sweet到尾的。。。总是要有些时间大家脸臭臭,分开走的。。。 已经多次到几乎每次都是那样,好去耐。。。 我们是不是像树胶圈越拉越远,随时会断呢? 不懂。。。 我们现在的状况是彼此都改不了,可是却很不舍的放开对方,要是选了其中一方,我们就会度过了。。。 第一就是包容,第二就是放弃。。。 虽然每次一下子就和好,可是我不想再随随便便吵架了。。。 每次吵架,早送我回家,开lock赶我下车,我一个人下车,他电梯,他很猛地踩油门走了,回到家,我一个人哭泣,不能睡。。。 熟到我都不懂怎们说。。。 一万个伤心,一万个不想再发生了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!如果你看到这篇东四,一定会伤心,生气。。。 可是我现在无法入眠,同样的心情,只好来这里发泄。。。

Monday, April 26, 2010

Finished The War

最近写blog都爱用华语哦。。。 不行啦,这样我不能使我的英文进步。。。
lolll, so i'm going to use english... hahax... long time didn't update my blog.. y? becoz of my very final exam in diploma! woohoo~ 2day is the last day.. hmm... the 1st 3 subjects was going quite smoothly loh.. bt until the laz subject, dat is audit!!! the most dislike subject in diploma!!! i gt no confident to pass it at all... sigh~ the questions may be tough as frends around us said so too, thn mb is myself problem aso lah, coz i'd put nt much heart towards it.. haizzz... i had been studying hard since the timetable had out... bt mb my final step to accomplish the task will spoilt by it... i jst noe to do 2 questions, is agak-agak aso.. thn othr 2 questions r totally using command sense by guessing the words n explain.. n the day b4 exam i gt nt enuf slp, during exam my brain nt functioning so well... hmm... i oli realized dat sum questions dat i noe to do after the exam...wuwuwu~ tiz time really gotto pray hard dat i cn pass the audit paper~ lecture plz marking the papers wif 'kindly-hearted'... lolll....
tot i might feels super excited after the long period of real hard time n at laz the moment to get freedom is reaching~however, mb my mood spoil by it.... bt still wan to say, i'd try my best in tiz time exam, no matter wat the result, i still hav to accept it as it will be a fact... so, change my mind to enjoy long-waited holidays 1st!!!! yuhoo~ bout 1 month been staying at home everyday, facing the 4 walls n books, nw is the time to PLAY hardly!!! hehex.... so, my first outing after exam is wif fat howe~ ^.^ bt aso nt counted outing, i jst went to his houz n we had dinner 2gthr... he brought me to a cafe called Blogger's Cafe.. it is a restaurant wif different types of foods.. the environment is quite ok wif simple n nice interior design... i had take sum pic of it, bt the pic turns blur after put in my pc.. lolll.... so nt going to show here... heh...
p/s: whn i read bec my blog, i feel my english really poor... loll

*hope dat i will can graduate....*

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


最近有点不愉快的,因为某些事情。。。 总觉得好多事情的,不懂为什么啊。。。 希望赶快雨过天晴吧。。。
谢谢朋友们,你们在我伤心时都愿意听我诉苦。。。 朋友虽然可以很多,可是知心朋友却很少,还好有你们陪伴着我。。。 我很珍惜你们哦。。。 以后要各奔前程了,很不舍得你们哦。。。希望我们友谊万岁!

Friday, March 19, 2010




我很没有目标,没有立场!!! 从一开学就一直想着要去哪里读了,整个过程里面,我犹豫,改变主意,什么烦的事情都经历过了,直到昨天昨天终于有了个决定,去utar换fincance了! 不过,刚刚和爸说了我的决定。。。他希望我做了决定后不要半途而废就行了,而且去utar多多少少也需要一笔钱啦。。。而且我爸好像也不要我借ptptn,他说这样会很辛苦,以后刚出来工作薪水有不高,又要供车,车油,车maintenance,service之类,又要买自己想要的,娱乐等等。。。 所以ptptn是一种负担。。。 而且我爸还说他不要我辛苦啊以后,您愿他现在辛苦供完我读书。。。顿时就觉得内疚。。。 我到底还要不要换科? 这两年读的diploma岂不是浪费掉父母的血汗钱?。。。 我就问了我一个朋友的意见,他也是决定换course的,他就说,他的家人就告诉他这两年diploma就当作是foundation咯。。。 然后他也说他自己是做了决定就敢敢去!也点醒了我。。。 所以我现在要确定我不会后悔,去了解后再决定我要不要换科。。。。只能那么做。。。。 只有我才能知道我要的是什么,所以只能自己做决定。。。。

Monday, March 8, 2010


三月一日,是臭爱的生日。。哈哈。。。我们都称呼对方的名加上一个臭的,请别见怪。。嘻嘻。。。 臭爱呢,真的对我来说很有影响力咯,因为我会开始努力读书都是因为她的鼓励咯,我就是会听她的话,因为我觉得很真心,所以才改变了我本来考试啊不读书的心态。。。 真的要谢谢她,对了,她也是我的姐妹之一哦。。。 咔咔。。。当天我们就去kfc,前一晚讨论好了,过后大概吃完后就拿蛋糕出来,给她小惊喜。。。就给了她小小的庆祝,我送她一只猪,这只猪是有故事的,不过懒惰写在这里。。。哈哈。。。

下乡终于终于都圆满结束了!!!超开心的!!!因为不再需要meeting了!!!嘻嘻。。。 而我也可以染头发了哦。。。 yeah!在下乡一路走来的日子,我认识了一班朋友,也让我认识了他,嘻嘻。。。 大家也算是一种缘分哪。。。 ^.^ 最后一次下乡开会后,我们就去faces吃晚餐。

我的‘头’,小秘书, 我


好久没来到这里了,哈哈。。。 新年蜜月到不会回来了。。。 由于是新年的post,所以就要写话语,因为我是中国人,好废。。。 嘻嘻。。。 我将要简单地述说我的woohoo新年。。 。今年是我第一年庆祝情人节,刚好第一的情人节落在新年初一,woo~ 好特别。。。还有还有, 我要报喜!!! 突然间兴奋起来了,我们的朋友之中一又多一对情侣了,至于是谁就不方便透露,嘻嘻。。。 他们是在情人节开始的,而且竟然能瞒我们那么久,我是在开学第二天才知道的,而且算是早一批知道的,他们还瞒厉害收的。。。 最近有些朋友都告别单身了,在此祝福他们要幸福哦。。。 ^.^ 每一年的新年年三十晚,初一和十五我们家都会吃火锅。 今年的新年阿姨和两位表哥及表妹来我们家,就比较热闹了。初一,baby howe来我们家吃团圆饭。 过后就去gurney drive庆祝。我们先交换礼物。baby送我一只我最爱的doraemon,能‘说话’的哦,嘻嘻,就是baby的声音。。。哈哈。。。然后我们就散布,看见有些女生手上都拿着花,好羡慕哦。。。我就小小声一直叫baby买花给我,对,我叫他买的,嘻嘻,我知道很厚脸皮,不过他愿意啊。。 咔咔。。。那束花是在gurney drive的档买的,我对它一见钟情,因为好可爱,有pooh pooh在上面的,看中第一束花后,再也看不上其它花了哦。。。 嘻嘻。。。

我的家 =)


对了,还有,下午的时间我和表哥和表没去看戏,Queensbay新年买戏票有送sunsilk的喔,哈哈,真可爱。。。我们本来要看lightning thief的,不过full house所以就选择看锦衣卫,不过出乎意料,这部戏还瞒好看的,尤其是结尾那边,甑子丹好有型,好有魅力哦。。。 嘻嘻。。。过后没事做就去吃雪糕,好好吃哦,平时都没什么机会吃,要等31号又多人。那个巧克力真的瞒棒的!要找机会再去吃了。。。




年初三,我就和下乡的朋友一起去玩和拜年。首先是去baby的家。那时他的hometown朋友也来,整间家就显得格外热闹的。过后我们去阿善家拜年,然后去BM Jusco,建国和ah lip来mit我们。我们先去买戏票,由于所有贺岁片都全员院满座了,只好去看那个wolfman,好无聊的一部戏。。。过后我们决定去吃晚餐。我们竟然无聊到丢钱币来决定要去哪里吃。。哈哈。。


年初四,我们去batu maung吃海鲜,其实到目前不懂是哪里来的,就有郑和的脚印的。。。那天本来要和朋友们去极乐寺的,不过刚好下雨,又为了要吃海鲜,所以放了他们飞机,嘻嘻,听起来有点贪吃的感觉,不过无可否认。。咔咔。。。第一吃一种海鲜名为'ci lei',还不错的。当天有螃蟹,不过我妈他们都说不够熟,我却吃的津津有味,迟到全部人吃完后还剩我在那边吃不完的样子。。。哈哈。。。不过另一天皮肤敏感,可能是螃蟹不熟吧,因为我向来都能吃海鲜的人来的。。。

年初八,拜Ti Gong。。。今年我家那边没什么热闹的,都不懂为什么啊。。。平时还没到时间就噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,今年就很少。。。

另一天,是出成绩的那一天。事前,我们ss Club说好不管成绩如何都要出席。考的好的当作庆功,考得不好的当作鼓励下次再来。当天我就是差点不要去了,因为无法接受自己的成绩,因为努力了还是那样,不过请放心,我是算有点乐观的人啦,我在之后就自己爬起来了,因为不管怎样,事实就是事实,我要毕业,所以就必须积极面对。。。当天的下午,我还去找了我的最好朋友,让后发泄过后整个人慢慢好起来了。晚上又去火锅,和朋友在一起,就更开心了。。


第二天,我和我的好姐妹去极乐寺,因为没去过早上的。爬到我们汗流浃背,尤其是我超容易流汗的。。shy shy。。。我们还爬上宝塔上面,累及了,我好像个老人一样当天,一看到椅子就坐,哈哈。。


年十五,我和姐姐与她的男朋友到楼下去放烟火。。。 新年就这样度过了。。。不过每年我都会发告诉自己,很快又会新年了的啦。。。^.^

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Keluarga Heng gotong-royong

laz saturday, which is a public holiday coz it is Thaipusm, we had a gotong-royong in our house preparing for chinese new year... ^.^ every of my family members started the cleaning work except me coz at the beginning i very lazy... jst went to jie jie's room to kacau n c whether she gt anythg dun1 n gv me... hahax.... until they had done part of the work, i oli jst started, so whn they finished i still doing... lol.... tired n lazy, so i had jst done part of room, another half i oredi done yesterday... yippie! below r sum of the pic taken during gotong-royong:

tiz is my mum, the most hardworking bee...
unfortunately can't c her face.. too bad

tiz is my bro, fixing the light...
in my room, my dad helped me wif the air-con and fan...
my sis, seldom so hardworking... hahah
cleaning, in-the-progress...
the end of the day, dad n mum bought hokkien mee 4 us... yippie... tired whole day at least gt sumthg gud to eat.. haha... p/s: pipi is so like to chou re nao, if on 'bo eng' wif us... lol... hehe...
p/s: i like to use malay words in writing blog, hope readers dun mind...

Monday, February 1, 2010


i had been holidays for 4 days... hahax... after exam very lazy to update my blog coz was busy cleaning my house n buying new clothes preparing 4 the coming very soon Chinese New Year!!! yippie ^.^ i jst clean half of my room and aso nt yet finish buying my clothes... bt i aso wan to update my blog... lol.... okay, tiz post is bout my birthday...
20th of January is my b'day.... 4 information of apple coz she 4got bout it.. sobx.... coz was exam period, so baby howe celebrated my b'day wif me two days earlier.... he brought me to his hometown, Butterworth after our exam on dat day... firstly, we went to sunway.... jst walk for fun... he went to c his toy toy at Toy'r'us... he likes transformer mia robot veli much... err, such a gina... he said very yeng wor~ hmm.... took his pic whn he was seeing duno which robot... *special effect by me, included a flower in the pic*...
Secondly, we went to Autocity... hmmm.... coz is my b'day celebration, so he let me choose wher to go.... i was considering to go sushi king or western foods... until we went to toilet, saw a new sushi king was going to open soon, the pic of sushi big big n luks delicious so both of us aso wan to go sushi king~ heh.... we din eat much on dat day, cz i nt dat hungry...

fat howe ate 2 plates of tiz, if i nt halang him he will cont to take...
the new promotion products...

the floor is shinning...
it is just a very simple celebration, bt i like it... ^.^ as long as with u... =)
19th of Jan, baby howe came to my houz.... countdown wif me... n bring along pre pre.... he is the 1st person who wished... heh... thn received a called frm tu di followed by chou ai~ happy happy...
he kissed the himself coz dat pig is him...
the next day, dat is 20th jan, surprised b'day cake frm baby h0we.... after revision at lib wif lyh, ah na and yong sin, i left lib earlier than them.. i was going to gp big apple... thking bout donat all days during revision, so wished to jiang shang myself so go buy donat as dat day aso my b'day... thn baby howe asked me go mit him at mc D.... 1st, close my eyes, thn b'day cake appeared... 'happy birthday to hoay hoay'... b'day song were sang, candles were blew~ i'm officially 20 years OLD... lol.... i like the cake, bt was sick on dat day becoz of my mouth, so nt able to eat much...

after little celebration wif baby howe, i bec to home n slept... sleep sleep sleep~ ding dong~~ happy birthday!!!!.... hahax... guess who? dats my gang gave me surprise... really a surprise! i thaught they bec hom after revision... n i was sleeping, steam steam on dat time... hah~ the cake was a smile... hope dat i happy everyday ^.^ hehe.... thx to thm~astina, yong sin, lyh and mag.... muackx... as usual, our tradition to gigit the candle out, 1 high 1 low candle put by miss lyh... until my nose kena yellow- the smile face yellow color mia... bt pic all at mag's place i guess... i din get any pic frm her yet... lol... thn we chat n eating cake... pipi shy n nt dare to cum out whn c all of my frends, bt kip on curi tengok.. lol... thn at nite, mama cook char bihun n curry chicken to celebrate wif me... bt dat day i went to c doctor, my mouth grow 'nana' until my mouth bengkak n becum very pong, the doc cucuk the nana cum out, super pain till i cried.... laz time during new year i aso sick, b'day aso... hope dat every festival in future every1 gonna be 健健康康 =)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Jst a new start for 2010

woo~ year 2010 had reached!!! a brand new year 4 everyone!!! kakax.... bt i was sick frm new year eve... wuwuwu... bt hope dat i m going to get well soon.... blek... absent frm sch during the laz day of 2009, nt able to c all my frends... blek... although i was sick, at nite i still able to hav a date wif Mr howe...ntg special during new year eve... we were watching 'Alvin and chipmunks'... the short short n fat fat chipmunks n chippettes are charming, lovable and adorable... if u guys hvn watch mst go watch, gurls will like it much.... bt the mv is kinda short, hehe.... met up chou ai at gp's toy r us.... laz day of 2009 still able to c her at least~ wink wink ^.^ thn take a few 4to.... after dat howe came my houz n we watched tv 2gthr n countdown....
Year 2010, i hope dat i can get gud result in every exam and live happily n healthily everyday... laz bt nt least i aso hope every ppl arround me including my family, bii bii and frends will hav a brand new year ^.^

short yet simple post by